
Jake Tovar

Jake Tovar

California-based analog wedding and commercial photographer.

Brands Worked With

  • Moment
  • Long Weekend
  • Mr. Porter
  • High Camp Wines

Creative Interests

  • Film Photography & Super 8 Video
  • Cultivating Creative Community
  • Cycling & Hiking

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Jake Tovar

Jake Tovar

Jake Tovar is a friend to all, he has a deep passion for creative community driven by a romantic work ethic for photography. Jake has dove deep into the analog photography scene shooting countless weddings and selective commercial projects with a notable campaign with Mr. Porter. Jake takes inspirations from many avenues of life but it all funnels back to the emotion of love, the love he has for people, the love he has for photography and the love for great light. He strives to live a life surrounded by passion and love, that's where he feels most alive.