
iPhone Photography Expert with Jack Hollingsworth

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iPhone Photography Expert with Jack Hollingsworth

    Looking to become an iPhone Photography expert?
    Jack Hollingsworth will teach you, plain and simple, how to begin to take the best photos of your life, with the world’s most popular camera.

    **Important: All lesson purchases are final in consideration of the creator's hard work. To learn more, click here

    SKU: m-lesson-080

    What You'll Learn

    In this lesson you'll learn to master taking stunning, manual photos on your iPhone.

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      Welcome to the lesson! Learn how Jack became an iPhone Photography expert and how his teaching can lead you to become a master iPhone Photographer.

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      7 Habits of Highly Effective iPhone Photographers

      In the town of Rockport, Massachusetts, throughout the day, Jack explores the 7 habits of highly effective iPhone photographers. Do you have what it takes to become highly effective and influential?

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      Exposure is how light or dark an image is. An image is created when the camera sensor is exposed to light. A dark photo is considered underexposed, or it wasn’t exposed to enough light; a light photo is overexposed or exposed to too much light. Although it seems pretty straightforward to take a photo with the correct exposure, in reality it can be quite tricky to achieve. Learn from a pro.

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      Lack of focus is often the prime reason the most images fail. You can correct almost everything else (exposure/white-balance) but you can’t correct an out-of-focus photo. So it is important to make sure your main subject is properly focused. You must always make sure that the right part of the scene is in focus. The camera does not always know what your creative intentions are. Tap to focus for maximum control and impact.

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      White Balance

      White-Balance (also called Color Balance or Neutral balance) is what the iPhone camera tries to do to make your photos look at natural and neutral as possible. Our cameras don’t automatically compensate for different color temperatures. Instead, unless you use a setting that compensates for different color temperatures, cameras capture the light and color temperatures that are actually in a scene, not what your eyes see.

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      Portrait Mode

      Portrait mode is called “Depth effect” (because of computational photography). It’s not true DOF, It’s simulated. Why they refer to it as a “depth effect”. What Apple can’t do with hardware, it can do with software. Portrait mode can be used for both animate and inanimate objects and subjects. Portrait mode, with each iteration, get better and better. Learn a few secrets behind Portrait mode.

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      iPhone panoramas are a bunch of images, stitched together, via software, to create a long photo. The field-of-view of a panorama is roughly 240 degrees and a potential file size of 63MP. When used properly, panorama photography can exceed the FOV or even your widest native or kit lens.

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      Time-lapse mode, is a video recording mode, that captures video at a very low frame rate on your iPhone, between 1-2 frames per second (FPS), depending on how long your choose to shoot for. Generally speaking, most iPhone time-lapse recordings playback in the 5-30 second range. Apple incorporated time-lapse, into the Camera app, in 2015, in IOS 8.

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      All Phone cameras, with Slo-mo capability, from iPhone 5s onward, can record video at either 120 FPS or 240 FPS, creating the illusion that your video is moving more slowly than real life. Used frequently for nature scenes, moving objects, action sports. Everything seems to look better and more romantic in slomo?

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      Sunrise in Provincetown

      Join Jack, at the crack of dawn, to experience a Provincetown sunrise-the place where the Pilgrims first landed and our country’s history began. Learn a few trade secrets of shooting in the wee-morning hours when the light is perfect for iPhone photography.

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      Light is, by far, the most important element in creating remarkable and memorable photography. Light can turn mundane subjects and objects into magical ones. Light and time are, in fact, the only true raw ingredients that any photographer, with any camera, has at his or her disposal. Light not only determines how bright or dark an image will be, but it also determine’s the picture’s tone, mood, atmosphere, drama.

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      Photography As Therapy

      Jack's approach to iPhone photography is highly emotional and autobiographical. He believe strongly that art grows out of the heart. And that, to get to the good stuff, a photographer, at any level, needs to connect to their emotional core, while shooting and crafting imagery. Great photography is made with glands, not brands.

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      On Location: Photo Wandering

      Not all who wander are lost. Join Jack, on Austin’s eclectic Eastside, and experience his take on everyday, deliberate, photo-walking and photo-wandering.Taking your photography from casual to intentional might be the biggest upgrade you can make, to getting better photos.

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      Moment Lenses

      Jack, from the beginning of his iPhone photography journey, has been a proud and enthusiastic owner and power-user of Moment lenses. See how he uses them in the field. Jack is never more than an arm’s length away from his much-loved Moment lenses.

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      Colored Bouys

      Discover a few simple, practical tips about the art of seeing.

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      Dappled Light

      Hope to mange exposure in dappled light.

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      Strong Foreground

      How to provide a strong, but natural, path for the eye.

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      1X, 2X, Portrait

      Using Portrait mode for out-of-focus background elements.

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      Digital Zoom

      It’s far better to zoom with your feet, and get physically closer, than zoom with your fingers, and use the Digital Zoom in the camera app.

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      Creative Cropping

      Cropping your images, in-camera, gives you all sorts of creative options for reframing your photographs.

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      Change Camera Angle

      More often than note, it’s a simple matter of changing your camera angle and thus your perspective.

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      Personal Style, Pt. 1

      Developing a style is nothing more than putting the YOU in your iPhone photographs

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      Personal Style, Pt. 2

      Developing a style requires lots of experimentation, rinse and repeat.

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      Simply put, composing an image means arranging elements, or building blocks in the scene, in a way that suits and promotes the core idea or goal of your intended photographic purpose.

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      Color, in photography, helps us communicate on an emotional level. Color is often the most influencing of factors in determining how your viewers feel about your photographs.

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      Art of Seeing

      The art of seeing in that magical moment when, everything seems to come together, and you get your “shot”. The more you look and observe, the more you will begin to discover the fine-art of seeing.

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      Last But Not Least

      This is just the beginning for you.

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      Bonus: Mardi Gras-Street, Portrait And Festival Photography

      Join jack, on a day-long shot, at Mardi Gras, in New Orleans, as see how this master portraiturist poses, direct and lights perfect strangers.


    Jack Hollingsworth

    Jack is an Austin-based author, speaker, influencer and leading expert in iPhone photography.

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